Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Dear Principal SMPN1 Pekalongan
That I respect Mr / Mrs Teacher Employee / Employee SMPN1 Seyegan,
And friends happy sekaliyan
Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!
First of all, let us pray gratitude the presence of God Subhanahu wa Ta 'ala, because of the above blessings, His grace and guidance on this day we all still given the opportunity to participate enliven the anniversary of independence of the Republic of Indonesia in the 67th good health.
Further to commemorate the anniversary of our independence, we hope, may we be meningkatkanrasa our love of the homeland and the nation, further enhancing our struggle against the state and nation, over the whole body and soul unite us to strengthen national unity.
Sekaliyan audience happy, if we remember the heroes of the struggle in 1945 then comes clear in our minds that the fighting spirit like a fire that never goes out it is so embedded in the psyche of the great heroes of the 45 fighters. However, no less important as all of us now. The struggle is not yet finished. Victims have much to fall then let us continue to increase the life and spirit of 45, by creating a strong mental development.
Prosperity based on fairness and not Ketuanan Almighty to accomplish. For it is still much that we must strive. Independence as a legacy of our heroes should we fill it with life without knowing the development of personal interests first.
The soul and spirit of 45 is a soul and a spirit of togetherness. The soul that promote the common good above class interests. For that also we shall increase the sense of solidarity nation. More national unity and integrity above our personal interests and groups. Encourage continued spirit-the spirit of togetherness in the fight for the ideals of freedom.
God willing, hopes the Indonesian people achieve a fair and prosperous life based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution with the pleasure of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta 'ala achieved by fostering the spirit of national unity and the unity of Indonesia. Amen, Amen, yaa roobal the worlds.
Thus, maybe it's all I can say. We are sorry if there are less pleasing speech in the hearts of the audience. Akhirul said, Good luck, Good build the nation and our beloved country.
Long live Indonesiaku! Freedom!
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh
Ok, maybe that's all I can write on this occasion. For other themes Speech, maybe if there was a chance I could be discussed another time.
We are sorry if there is one word.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb
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